This is my latest LO of sweet Frances sleeping in her car seat. She always sleeps like this when I take her out of the car with one hand on her cow. I love these pictures because they show a part of our everyday life. I like posed shots, but my favorites are the candid "Oh she looks so cute sleeping in her car seat, I am going to grab the camera" kind of pics. To everyone else these may not look like the greatest pictures, but when I look at them my heart melts. Part of me wants her to stay like this forever and I think "Boy, pretty soon she won't even fit in this car seat anymore! Where has the time gone?"
I always wonder what she thinks about and what she dreams about so I journaled about that. The journaling also shows some of the things she is doing right now. All my other LOs are so sappy I decided to make this one bright and cheery with some fun journaling.
So I also finished two other LOs that I mentioned in my last post. One is for a game of scrapbook tag at Scrap That! so I will wait to post that. The other is for the June 1st reveal at Butterfly Crafts and it is a fun one. No Frances on this page. I will give you small hint- you will see a picture of me as a 10 year old (and it ain't pretty!). So stop by the sites and play along!
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